We‘ve put everything you need to know
about our approach into ONE SENTENCE!
Feel free to click on each part for a better picture of what we mean:
great feedback results already!
We're so happy for you!
Did you offer people money,
a discount or any other bene-
fit to get them motivated to
fill it out?

And by the way: We don't only
address the obvious results,
also the underlying concept
of building trust and mutual
Yes... So what?!
No. Nothing.
YOU LOST... money.

We truly believe that a great
dialogue with a target audience
doesn't require you to pay them.

Please learn more
about our approach!

So quantitative
and qualitative feedback.
You're doing a great job.

But wait...
You're not talking about an event
survey, are you?
Oh, I did
But event surveys are a specialty
of ours! So please start over on
the homepage and keep that in
An NPS score is not always
the ultima ratio of wisdom. Especially
for events.

Your company may be on the
right track - but there seems to
be something that brought you to
this website.

Maybe we can still help you with
something else?

yes close
the urgent need to have a laugh now
annoying feedback experiences
in my company!
Oh wow, that's a shame. But
you're not alone. We unscien-
tifically researched that 99%
of companies have shitty
feedback experiences. So we
have some options for you

Which options? close
more questions understood and want to work
with you guys!
I have...